While I was tending to Lazarus, I heard this "plop" noise, like someone had dropped a bowl of chicken gizzards on the kitchen floor---and there he was. Like his brother, Timmy was also a little dumb for a sheep. But still lovable. Though not as friendly as Bronco, Timmy still liked to interact with me, often given to "head bump" play. Goodbye little big Timmy. You were a great sheep too.
Raising sheep is a rewarding experience. The most joy comes when the little lambs are born and then watching them grow. The hardest part is taking them to market. I am thankful that we were able to sell most of this year's lambs to nearby farms. Zero went to a farm in Madison. Luke went to a farm in Racine. All of our ewe lambs went to a farm in Kirkland, IL. And Bullwinkle to a farm in Waterford, WI. Today, Timmy, Lazarus and Bronco spent their last day on earth here at beautiful Bear Valley Farm, their home. They had a great life, filled with lush pastures, barnyard friends, safe and warm accommodations at night, and a stress free environment. They were always together, this little herd of rams, together to the very end. Now they will fulfill their noble purpose and provide food for many appreciative customers. Each batch of lambs that we raise is unique and full of interesting characters; this year was no exception... Bronco was born to December and had a very sweet disposition. He was by far the most friendly of all our ram lambs this year. In the mornings, Bronco would often stay behind with me in the barn and just linger whilst I gave him a little snuggle and pat on the head. His wool was very thick and soft, especially around the sides of his face. That's how we could easily identify him. He also looked very much like his mother, with that same poof of wool on his head. We named him Bronco because he was born during half-time at the Superbowl. The Bronco's won that game, and this little guy won our hearts. Goodbye Bronco, you were a great little sheep... Lazarus was our little miracle lamb. Hopelessly stuck for over an hour at birth, I was finally able to pull him out, but Lazarus didn't start breathing until nearly 4 minutes later. We thought we had lost him. His birth weight was nearly 18 pounds! Holy moly he was a big boy (I think one of the reasons his mother, Smooth, couldn't deliver him all the way). Lazarus grew strong and healthy. He always liked to rub his head into my knee. Toward the later months, a single horn started to grow on his head, which made him easy to identify. I would characterize this little ram as just a wee bit stupid. Lazarus had this way about him that seemed to indicate dumbness, even more than the average sheep. It's possible he had some innoxia to the brain during his birth which may account for his "offness" Goodbye, Lazarus, you've given us some wonderful memories. Timmy's market weight was a whopping 150 lbs at 7 months, by far our largest ram this year. I don't know why he outgrew his twin brother Lazarus so much, but that's the way it is. Each sheep is different, even twins. After all the pulling and stretching to get Lazarus out, Timmy just sort of fell out when he was born, much to my surprise. Smooth didn't even have to push or anything. While I was tending to Lazarus, I heard this "plop" noise, like someone had dropped a bowl of chicken gizzards on the kitchen floor---and there he was. Like his brother, Timmy was also a little dumb for a sheep. But still lovable. Though not as friendly as Bronco, Timmy still liked to interact with me, often given to "head bump" play. Goodbye little big Timmy. You were a great sheep too. The last photo
Poor Babygoat, she has come down with a case of mastitus, which is an infection in her udder. One day we noticed some blood running down her hind leg and upon closer examination, discovered a serious wound on her udder. According to the vet, it could have either been casued by a puncture or an abcess started inside her udder and worked its way to the outside. Either way, Babygoat was in trouble. We did the full work-up treatments for mastitus, and she is slowly improving. We are tending to her morning and night and doing everything we can to help her heal. So say a prayer for Babygoat.
Bullwinkle has the sweetest temperament of all our rams, so it's not surprising that I have grown rather attached to him. When I would let the boys out of their pen in the morning, Bullwinkle would always stay behind and nuzzle me. He just seemed to want to be close by. So part of my morning chores was to pet little Bullwinke's head and remark how large his ears still are. It was getting harder and harder for me to think about taking him to market and when a farmer in Union Grove called up looking for a breeding ram, I breathed a great sigh of relief. Bullwinkle is going to a new home to be the daddy of a flock of sheep over 40 strong. He's going to have a lot of fun and I'm glad for him. Although, it was harder than most to say goodbye. Here are the last photos I took of his last morning at Bear Valley Farm. Farewell Bullwinkle, you brought a lot of joy to this farmer's heart.
It's been a dry summer so far but this morning a big storm came and dropped over an inch of rain within one hour. Our four rams didn't even seek shelter during the downpour but stayed and grazed and got soaked. The upshot was nice clean rams. Here are a few pics of the animals just minutes before the rain began. Impressive clouds.
Soon we have to say goodbye to our last four rams, Lazarus, Timmy, Bronco & Bullwinkle. Here's a few pics of them in the Marshview Paddock enjoying the morning. What a beautiful group of handsome rams.
Cailee is going to college in the Fall and she'll be here until classes start. It was nice to see Tony too.
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February 2023