Our Sheep Transport Trailer (SST) is built. Only took me an afternoon to make it. We will need this contraption to haul our sheep to market or to county fairs and such.
Daryl and Daisy like to hang out with each other on pasture. They're always together whenever they graze. Looks like the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
We recently noticed that one of our ewes ("Smooth") lost her left I.D. tag. You can see the sun shining through the empty hole in her ear. But not to worry, I can easily identify her without it. She's called "Smooth" because the top of her head is just that--smooth. She passed that trait onto her two lambs as well.
One month to go before market time. The little ones are no longer little. Having a hard time mustering up the courage to say goodbye.
Today was the day. My Taylorcraft which has been sitting in the hangar for nearly two years once again took to the skies over Bear Valley Farm. I wanted to wait for a perfect south wind for these flights as I have gotten a little rusty on the controls. Five flights so far today and landings were a breeze--much easier than that lightning fast Extra 300S.
Went to the Waukesha County Fair today. Networked with some sheep and wool people. Here's Sharon looking over a handsome Dorset sheep.
Wow, today was just gorgeous. After all our chores were done, I had the chance to lounge around in my hammock watching my animals, taking in the sounds of tweeting birds and a few woofs from Bear the Dog.
Today was foot-trimming day for the sheep. Ordinarily Sharon and I have our hands full with sheep wrangling so I usually don't have any photos for the event. However, I did snap this one when we got Fabio in the trimming sling. This gives you an idea about how big our ram really is. He's such a gentle giant. Of all the sheep we have, Fabio gives us the least struggle. He simply lets me pull him backward into the sling and waits patiently for his trim. The whole time he's looking soulfully into Sharon's eyes and enjoying a pleasant pat on the head.
Farmer Tom's Blog
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February 2023