Today the triplets were moved into the big pen, and they loved it! Spot is SOOO cute. Suzy has big ears, and Sammy started jumping all over the place with glee. This is the best part of raising lambs.
Freckles has done it again--Triplets! This time we have two females and one male. Suzy, the largest, was born first. Then came Sammy, a fine looking ram. Third came a smaller lamb with a large marking on the back of her head, of all places. It's a good quarter sized black spot. So naturally, she had to be called Spot. They were just born when I posted this update. So far so good. Suzy is already nursing, Spot is standing heartily, and Sammy has been shivering in the corner for a while. But Mama has been attending to him. Here are the first pics:
This morning, Barry and Benny were sprung from the lambing jug into the big pen. And when I say sprung, I mean sprung. These two little jumping beans were having an absolute ball in their new world. So much so that nearly every photo I took was blurry. Usually we see such activity from lambs after a week or so. But Barry and Benny, barely three days old, were running around and jumping up and down like it was Christmas. It was a heart-warming thing to see.
Farmer Tom's Blog
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February 2023